Wetland Mitigation and Monitoring

In the construction world, it can be difficult to determine if and where jurisdictional wetlands will be impacted by projects.
Burke staff work with developers and designers to avoid impacting wetlands and follow the rules outlined in the Clean Water Act.
We understand that mitigation may be required when impacts are unavoidable and exceed certain limits. In most cases in Indiana, mitigation will be completed through Indiana DNR’s in-lieu fee program.
Our staff is very familiar with the program and the compensation planning framework, having been one of the first firms in Indiana to facilitate client-purchased wetland credits.
Our environmental resource specialists have extensive experience facilitating traditional mitigation processes for project sites as needed and perform agency-required monitoring of mitigation sites to confirm successful establishment.
- In-lieu fee mitigation
- Traditional mitigation
- Mitigation monitoring
- Wetland/Waters of the U.S. remediation plans