Lori Gates
Director of Planning

An expert in all things MS4 and an environmental advocate, Lori Gates serves as Burke’s director of planning.
Lori’s 40 years of experience have spanned both the private and public sectors, giving her a deeper understanding of clients’ needs and the necessary requirements. She leads a talented team of planners, environmental specialists, and GIS experts through a variety of stormwater, floodplain, and emergency planning and policy projects.
When she isn’t assisting client with their stormwater compliance, Lori enjoys traveling to national parks and educating the public on the nutritional benefits of insects.
Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control
Certified Professional Stormwater Quality
Certified Professional in Municipal Stormwater Management
Certified Erosion, Sediment and Storm Water Inspector
Qualified Professional Inspector
INDOT Level II Storm Water Quality Manager
What makes Burke different from other engineering firms?
It comes down to the people. I am very proud to work with great colleagues who constantly dazzle me with their knowledge, experience and dedication to a job well done. It is such a privilege to be part of such a great team!
As such, we are given a lot of latitude at Burke in how we interact with the public and give back to our profession and to our country while fulfilling our specific project-related duties.
If you could be any natural feature, what would it be?
I would be a clear, spring-fed river in Indiana because they are very rare and highly valued! I would also include some gnarly waves and tight turns to challenge would-be paddlers, also known sometimes as “unintended swimmers!”
What is the most important takeaway for Burke clients?
To not panic about complying with NPDES permit regulations and laws. Most communities or businesses do not take credit for activities they are already doing that can be counted towards permit compliance. In some cases, if they have gaps in their programs and/or have fallen behind, we can come up with a solution to meet their short- and long-term goals.
What is a CPMSM and why is it beneficial?
The Certified Professional in Municipal Stormwater Management or CPMSM program was developed by non-profit organization EnviroCert International as a means to demonstrate that those who obtain it are rigorously trained, tested and certified, ensuring they are qualified to develop, implement, manage and coordinate a municipal Stormwater Management Program.